Wednesday, 21 April 2010

3 into 1 Does Go...Just!

10th - 16th April 2010.
7 days, 3 events.
2 out-of-shop bookstalls, 1 in-shop activity day. What a week!
No shortage of helpers for setting up one of the bookstalls...The activity day...

Plenty of children in the children's corner... just what we like to see!

Exhausted, but encouraged I think is my assessment at the end of a busy week.


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Footsteps of the Past

I picked out some activity books from the shop to occupy our boys on a long journey this week and discovered a winner for Matt. His current favourite subject is history, so I headed for the Day One 'Footsteps of the Past' series, and picked out William Tyndale. This is a great series written by two deputy-headteachers who aim to introduce key figures in Christian history. The booklets are full of facts and fun activities - some, like code cracking can be completed in the car, and others like 'Make a Quill Pen' take a bit more time and mess! Our destination being a quiet country spot in Wiltshire, Matt was out early this morning chasing pheasants in an attempt to catch a feather for his quill pen. Unfortunately the pheasants were faster than him so he had to settle for a rather more plain pigeon feather that he found in the garden. Then he needed some berries (oh dear, wrong time of year but thankfully Granny had some in the freezer!), some salt, some vinegar and away he went...

The finished product!
I think this is an inspiring series for 7+yr olds, plenty of biographical information interspersed with well thought out activities. For anyone planning a trip to the British Museum the series also includes 2 books intended to take a child through the Museum particularly relating the history to the Old Testament (Kings, Pharaohs and Bandits) and the New Testament (Romans, Gladiators and Games). At only £2 these booklets are really excellent value for money.
It is also worth noting that this 'Footsteps of the Past' series is linked with the adult 'Travel with...' series - something for all the family!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

New Focus Conference 2010

Thank you to Peter Meney for once again inviting us to take a bookstall out to the New Focus Conference this year. It has been a heartwarming occasion in the past, meeting old friends and some regular mail order customers of ours. Please come along if you can. We will just be there on the Saturday, but the Conference runs from 9th - 11th April. See the official details here:
The location in upper Teesdale is utterly charming (as are the hosts!) When I go up there I am torn between sneaking off and hiking up to the high fells and doing my duty and attending to the Conference. No, seriously, it promises to be a bigger event than ever this year and I look forward to ministry from some men I haven't heard before, as well as Don Fortner from Stateside. May the Lord grant safe journeys and happy landings to all.