Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Humility and Pride

Our virtual reading club 'Reading Together' has arrived at the final chapter of its fourth book 'The Bruised Reed' by Richard Sibbes.  There are some cracking sections in these final chapters. How about this for a quote to ponder...
"Nothing is stronger than humility, which goes out of itself, or weaker than pride, which rests on its own foundation"
If you're not already a member, don't miss out on the next book.  Drop me an email & I'll sign you up - we would love to have new members & even more discussion. 

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Spring Cleaning

Things are a little quieter in the shop at this time of the year so we are having a spring clean.  Our office and storerooms are getting cramped and untidy with all the extra stock so we are clearing out.  Keep an eye on our sale list because it is regularly being updated with all sorts of bargains!  Some bargains may have signs of shelf wear but others are in tip top condition (but we just have too many of them).  As a hoarder, I struggle with getting rid of stuff so the sooner it's gone the better or I may just sneak it back into the storeroom where it can sit happily for another year or two!

Go on, sneak a peek!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

News update

Big apologies for the distinct lack of blogging lately - we haven't been slacking honest!
One of our projects has been to get our mobile site up and running so all you folk with smartphones will find it easier to browse our site. It has been designed on similar lines to our desktop site so should feel familiar. Please let us know if you have any problems... www.christianbookshopossett.co.uk

eBooks is another project.  As you know we have been selling them from our site for a while, but we are gradually adding publishers and recently added Crossway Books to the list.  Please be patient as we increase the titles available - it is laborious work and takes time and concentration (which isn't often to be found in a bookshop with little helpers around!). http://www.christianbookshopossett.co.uk/catalogue.php?&sp=ebooks

Just a note for any ladies who are interested - the online bookclub is coming close to the end of the current book so now would be a good time to join up as we start a new book.  Drop me an email if you fancy the idea.

Thats all for now!