Saturday, 30 January 2021

Faith and Hope in the Pandemic

This is a curiously styled but ultimately charming book, if that is the proper word in view of its subject.  It almost seems out of date now, as it was published during the first Covid lockdown. But that is simply a reflection of how much water has gone under the bridge since.  It was released back when the pandemic was raging at its height in northern Italy.  Emotions of shock and fear were strong then, and are no less now, only they have now been joined by weariness and depression at the length and scale of the problems due to the virus.  Three friends came together at that time to contribute short articles to a book on hope. Evangelical authors from the UK, Spain and Italy, they wanted to present a biblical response to the crisis.  Pablo Martinez shows how to catch sight of hope in fearful times from Psalm 91. Jonathan Lamb explains what the past, present and future foundations of hope are from 1 Peter 1 - 'Christ the hope of glory'. Finally Giacomo Carlo Di Gaetano gives some insightful thoughts on how Christian hope can be protected against the insinuations that suffering and evil (in this case from the virus) prove that God is not good.

An epilogue includes the first question and answer from the Heidelberg Catechism in full, from which the book title is taken. It is a wonderful statement of what it means to be a Christian - 'rejoicing in hope' (Romans 12:12).

The Only Comfort in Life and Death published by Christian Focus Publications, 2020. £4.99. Much is packed into a slim book. Excellent value for money!

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Big Bible Science

Huge apologies - our blogging really dropped off last year, so our New Year's resolution should definitely be to improve it! We are thankful that as a shop we were maintained throughout 2020 despite periods of closure during the lockdowns. 2021 has also had a busy start even though we are closed again and we are grateful for your continuing support. 

We are kicking off the new year with a fantastic offer on some science books - whether you have homeschooled for years or are just temporarily engaged in it, these books will really capture the imagination and add a Biblical perspective to a huge range of scientific topics. From electricity to the digestive system, symbiosis to heat capacity, kinetic energy to animal classification, the books explain scientific concepts through simple experiments, activities and real-life applications.

Click here to check out all the details on our website...

2020 was a big reminder to us all that plans can be made but they will only come to pass 'if the Lord will'. We missed out on taking bookstalls around the country when we usually enjoy catching up with many of our customers in person. This new year we are cautiously and prayerfully hopeful that we can look forward to getting back out on the road and catching up with many of you before the end of the year. In the meantime, we will enjoy keeping in touch by phone or email, or via our social media channels; Facebook, Instagram or Twitter