North has done a sterling job of pulling together all that is left of William Tiptaft's sermons in a new book out from Gospel Standard Publications: 'Sermons of a Seceder.' Good value at £9.00 for a hardback. Some biographical notes help profile this man (1803-1864) famous by name amongst Strict Baptists, but whose ministry is not at all so well known. The great thing about Tiptaft was his integrity. Everything fitted in with what he was convinced of by the scriptures. His earnestness, zeal and liberality all stemmed from a conviction at heart of the doctrines of grace. He did not have this when he was ordained into the Church of England, but as his spiritual eyes were opened more and more, he could no longer remain among them, though it cost him greatly. His example led J C Philpot to do the same.
This collection contains 'His People', which caused an uproar! It was boldly preached before the assembled mayor and town council in the Great Church in Abingdon on Christmas Day 1829. Although ridiculed in the press and at Oxford, it is a fine, very direct sermon on Matthew 1:21 - who are really God's people? He quotes from various articles of the C of E to demonstrate that he taught no new thing when he preached sovereign grace and living faith in those days before his secession.
'His People' is also available in booklet form. Published by Reiner Publications, it is only 50p from us.

This collection contains 'His People', which caused an uproar! It was boldly preached before the assembled mayor and town council in the Great Church in Abingdon on Christmas Day 1829. Although ridiculed in the press and at Oxford, it is a fine, very direct sermon on Matthew 1:21 - who are really God's people? He quotes from various articles of the C of E to demonstrate that he taught no new thing when he preached sovereign grace and living faith in those days before his secession.
'His People' is also available in booklet form. Published by Reiner Publications, it is only 50p from us.
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