World Book Day Vouchers
Great news! Parents want their children to read good Christian books. Not rocket science really, or at least it shouldn't be. But I have been surprised (perhaps I shouldn't be) at how many people have used their World Book Day £1 voucher in the shop. Actually, I'm more than surprised... I'm excited! In fact, so encouraged that it has spurred me on (with a little push from my enthusiastic admin assistant) to organise a children's activity day during the Easter school holidays. We want parents & children to come to the shop, to spend time browsing, to spend time doing fun activities, to listen to stories, to eat home-made cake (ok, not that important!) to enthuse about READING and to discover that their local Christian Bookshop is not a scary place to go to. If you're around and you fancy popping in, Friday 16th April is the day to put on the calendar. We'll give you more details later or give us a call to find out first.Lorna
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