So you received an eReader for Christmas? (iPad, Nook, Kobo - it doesn't have to be a Kindle!) Don't think that we bookshops are the last people that want to hear about it. In fact research suggests that people who buy eBooks still tend to buy printed books too (a bibliophile after all does love books!) If you are new to eBooks and aren't sure where to start, have a read of
this article that Jeremy helpfully wrote when we launched eBooks on our website earlier this year. This will give you information about eBooks in general as well as how to download them from our website.
We have a growing number of eBooks available on our website and are regularly updating this. We aim to be a bookshop where you can be sure of obtaining good quality sovereign grace literature in both the printed form and for your eReader. Please have a browse of our
eBook catalogue.
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