The background to the Belgic Confession is related in the first book Faithfulness under Fire: The Story of Guido de Bres. Simply written but with enough detail to give a correct understanding of the events of the time, plus very striking illustrations this book is suitable for a range of ages and is a good reference book to keep on the shelf to be returned to again and again. I read this book to a group of children who ranged in age from 3 to 11 and they were spell-bound (at least that was how it seemed to me!).

The third book The Glory of Grace: The Story of the Canons of Dort describes the troubled times in the Netherlands with the preaching of Arminius and the following that he gained. The 5 points of Arminianism are briefly explained along with the events involving the Prince of Orange & the English King James I which led to a synod of leaders from Holland, Germany, Switzerland and England to discuss a unified doctrinal position. The resulting Canons of Dort (or the 5 points of Calvinism) are explained in some detail.

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