Blogging activity has been deafeningly silent for the last week because of family illness en bloc. Hence it is almost too late now to nominate a book for Easter reading. But I did have a dip for the first time into Krummacher's devotional meditations collected under the title of 'The Suffering Saviour' and found out why they are held in high repute. He is conscious of the sacredness of his subject, and this is reflected in the structure of the book. It follows the design of the Old Testament tabernacle, and so the increasing intensity of the last days of Christ is followed under the headings of the 'Outer Court', the 'Holy Place', and the 'Most Holy Place'. He is thorough but heartwarming, sensitive but not sentimental, short (there are 53 meditations) but not shallow. Krummacher was a leader in the German reformed churches in the mid-1800s, said to be the greatest preacher in Europe in his time. So although his style
is a bit dated it is striking and energetic. I intend looking at this long after Easter has gone.

Banner of Truth published this hardback (see pic) in 2004, but it is also still available from us in an old paperback Baker edition. At £2.50 it is so outrageously cheap that I shouldn't mention it.
PS. There are a range of other titles by Krummacher - see our catalogue - he is perhaps best known for 'Elijah the Tishbite'.
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