The Birth of Jesus
I have been reading this book to a group of children over the past few weeks (in instalments) and I think it is brilliant! What an accurate and exciting telling of the amazing story of the birth of our Lord and Saviour. When children are hearing so much about the birth of Jesus at schools and nurseries, this book fills in all the gaps and dispels all the myths. It includes the stories of Simeon and Anna, it explains that the wise men didn't go to the stable the night Jesus was born, and that there may not have been just 3 of them. It gives simple spiritual applications throughout. My children have been enthralled by the way it tells the story ... 'Mummy, Herod told a really terrible lie to the wise men, he said he wanted to worship Jesus when really he wanted to kill him' (Matt with a face of horror!). I really think this is the best book on the Birth of Jesus that I have ever read to children.The Birth of Jesus by B A Ramsbottom, Gospel Standard Publications, £3.95Lorna
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