From Howell Harris to Christmas Evans. In fact six key figures from the century of revivals from the 1730s onwards are covered in this book of short biographical studies. They vary in the space given to each - Harris probably gets most attention, but a loving share is reserved for William Williams, the hymn writer of the revival. His hymns have endured longer than the many chapels of Calvinistic Methodism that Wales became famous for. But this is not a denominationally minded book. It is informative in a small package, and there are some devotionally rich veins to be found, eg. Of controversy, Howell Harris said 'the humble address succeeds best in the school of Christ.' I hope it will stimulate interest in men like Christmas Evans and his ministry in Anglesey and the Lleyn Peninsula, now tourist destinations. He was behind getting John Gill's Commentary translated into Welsh as an aid for young preachers, after Thomas Charles had been instrumental in gaining a Welsh bible.
Published by Gospel Standard Publications. £5 paperback.
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