Tuesday, 11 September 2007

George Rose

I'm using a little booklet put together by Huntingtonian Press ('Altogether Lovely', £2.75) for some meditational reading at the moment. It contains a couple of sermons on the Song of Solomon by the late George Rose at Forest Fold Chapel, Crowborough in 1960. He preaches to the heart, and that is timeless. There is a beauty in Christ that he brings out from that Sacred Song which is altogether spiritual - not sentimental. I recommend it highly. Huntingtonian Press is only a very small publisher, but they have done a lot, particularly in the area of short selections of out of print material. I think our book selection would be very much the poorer without their contribution. They have an occasional Journal 'The Sinner Saved', which explains their raison d'etre as follows:
We consider that there is a need for what our fathers termed "Experimental Calvinism", the Calvinism which was preached by men such as (but not exclusively) William Huntington & Joseph Irons (Independent), Robert Hawker & David Doudney (Anglican), William Gadsby & J C Philpot (Baptist), and a host of other such witnesses of the truth. I wonder how many other - bigger - publishers have such a mission statement? At one end of the spectrum are not-for-profit Trusts which have money but no vision. At the other end are snappy Commercial outfits whose vision is money.
As a postscript on George Rose, Gospel Mission has already reproduced his autobiography 'Remembered Mercies Recorded' (£7.95)


Graham Chewter said...

Dear Jeremy
I'm trying to find out more about George Rose. I have read his autobiography but I am interested to hear from anyone who knew him or knew others who were acquainted with him.

Can you help? or do you know of anyone who could?

Christian greetings
Graham Chewter

Graham Chewter said...

Dear Jeremy
I'm trying to find people who either knew George Rose or knew people who were acquainted with him, to try and find out more about him. I have read his autobiography a number of times over the years.

Can you help?
or do you know anyone who may have information?

Christian greetings
Graham Chewter

Graham Chewter said...

Dear Jeremy
I'm trying to find people who either knew George Rose or knew people who were acquainted with him, to try and find out more about him. I have read his autobiography a number of times over the years.

Can you help?
or do you know anyone who may have information?

Christian greetings
Graham Chewter