This is the free booklet we are giving away with each purchase during our Sale Week. From the 'Apples of Gold' series of Puritan reprints, it is worth buying anything else just to get it! Willcox was a Particular Baptist pastor among those incredibly brave men and women who dared to be nonconformists in the England of the 1660's. He was buried in Bunhill Fields (the dissenter's burial ground in London) alongside more famous names like Bunyan and Gill, but his short tract based on Psalm 81 v 16 is not worthy of any such treatment. It was recommended by William Romaine in his day. Even today, with very light editing, this tract is very readable. Willcox is direct and pithy. He gets at the essence of true religion - a personal experience of God-given faith in Christ, and its results. This is really searching stuff. I know of a local pastor who reads this booklet every year in self examination. It was blessed to his soul many years ago and he recommends it to everyone. The tract has been translated into foreign languages over the years. At the back of the booklet there is a short but remarkable account of how it was used by God to bring about a revival in Finland in the 18th century. We still want it to be freely circulated - may it be greatly blessed yet. Jeremy
We are a small independent Christian bookshop. A husband and wife team who want to promote free grace teaching, encourage reading, and stay in business - in that order.
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