Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Preparing for 2009

I find it a strange experience to be preparing for 2009 right now, even presumptuous. But that is what is necessary if our AV Block Calendar is to be produced as usual next year. Our printer likes to have it with him in the February of the year before. I have just finished the final proof read, and devised adverts and vouchers to be included within the text block - some of which relate to 2010! This is all painstaking work, but thankfully it has already been scrutinised closely by able volunteers before ever I do my bit. It is amazing what can escape even the most experienced proof readers. However, this is not an excuse for the shoddiness which seems an increasing blot on the publishing industry as a whole. we pried ourselfs on the hiyhest standads... One good result of proof reading as far as I am concerned is that it helps din bible passages into my head - so it's not all drudgery.
Next job for the calendar will be selecting the pictures for front and back. There is more breathing space for that, which is just as well as Lorna and I usually spend ages arguing over them! If you haven't seen our calendar before, and would like to see an example go here. We accept orders for one or for one hundred (or more). Discounts for quantity - apply for details.

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