Friday 28 September 2012

Busy month!

There has been a desperate lack of posts this month.  As always, there are plenty of reasons/excuses but apologies must also be made for not keeping you all up to date.

Firstly a lot of refurbishment work has been going on in the shop & you really can't go any further without checking out all the photos on our facebook page (or click here to go directly to the photos - no you don't have to be a member of facebook to view them).  Our secondhand department is now a much more cosy 'reading room' with re-sorted books (still ongoing) and a comfy window seat.  If you are ever heading up the M1, we are just a few minutes from Junct 40 and would make a perfect 'service station' for you to relax - we are happy to provide you with refreshments for free and you don't get that at many service stations!  The new books department was also in need of maintenance work & we are now enjoying condensation free windows along with a fresh lick of paint internally. 

Amongst the clutter of refurbishment we have been receiving boxes & boxes of Christmas stock.  This is finally sorted & on the website you will find the Christmas cards are all listed along with 2013 calendars & diaries.  If you prefer to browse these via a pdf file (as on these photos) have a look here. The AV Block Calendar is already selling well so make sure you don't miss out.


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